
Why make chemistry spectacular?

In common parlance, art and technique belong to antithetical categories. But in ancient Greek, "techne" actually means "art"! The Latins indicated the science of matter as Ars Chimica, and hence our proposal to bring the most spectacular chemical technique on the stage recomposes this dichotomy.

The shows are an extraordinary stimulus for the spread of chemical culture even in humanistic environments, often suffering from chemophobia. The activities have been going on since 2012 with the students of ITT Montani in Fermo. The aesthetic aspect of the enchanting chemical reactivity is experimented by contaminating it with music, literature, and painting, always trying to explore "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia".


The didactic challenge

The Humanistic culture is valued by focusing on an in-depth study of ideas and circumstances described by classical masterpieces from the chemical point of view. The emotional energy created during both the preparatory phase of the show and the performance on the stage leads to remarkable cohesion among the students, which is the driving force of informal and formal learning. Knowing how to manage reactivity made spectacular requires considerable mastery of theory and safe chemistry practice.

The shows


A Symphony of Atoms, an Alchemy of Notes "The School of Athens" by Raphael


The spectacular chemistry of Dante's Oltremondo, Science Festival, FermHamente, Sala del Mappamondo, Fermo, 24-10-2021


Exhibition DANTE 700TH 3rd-30th Sept 2021, Dante Society, London

(EN) Inferno: Dante Condemns Materialism and Alchemy

(EN) Purgatorio: Soul Purification and Chemical Purification

(EN) Paradiso: Chemical show of the Trinity mystery


Dante 700th London Catalogue 2021


Mendelleev 150. Rassegna Teatro e Scienza, Teatro Vittoria, Torino, 12-11-2019

Mendeleev’s Table: a harmony of elements in periodic chord. Science Festival FermHamente, Teatro dell’Aquila, Fermo (FM), 19-10-2019


The Synphony of the elements, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Evento Sharper-La notte della Ricerca Europea, 27 Settembre 2019


Interlude of Chemistry and Music, Teatro dell’Aquila, Festa della Repubblica, Fermo, 2 Giugno 2019


Giornate Fai di Primavera 2019, Analisi delle acque per il pubblico, Fermo

i copertina fai primavera


Love? Notes and Verses of Chemistry. Museo MITI, Fermo (FM) 27-10-2018


Music in Chemical Reactivity, an Experiment between Art and Science. Teatro e Scienza, Teatro Vittoria, Torino, 13-11-2018


Alchemic show for Palio dell’Assunta, July 2018


Magic Chemistry, Fermo (FM), dal 7-12-2017 al 4-01-2018, Christmas vacation


I light up less. A show of Chemiluminescence and Music, Piazza del Popolo, Fermo (FM), 24-02-2017

n copertina mi illumino di meno


The four elements, Science Festival FermHamente, Palazzo Azzolino Fermo, 5-02-2017

Water (chemiluminescence)


Chemistry, precious Chemistry: 118 Elements for our well-being, Science Festival FermHamente, Museo MITI, Fermo, 5-02-2017

p copertina 118 elementi


Science Therapy, La Serra, S. Elpidio a Mare (FM), 24-09-2016


S. Valentine Love Chemistry, Laboratori di Chimica, Fermo (FM),14-02-2016

r copertina san valentino


Animated Chromatography, 160°Fondazione del Montani, Teatro dell’Aquila, Fermo (FM)12-04-2014

s copertina cromatografia animata


The Chemical Italian Flag, Festa della Repubblica, Piazza del Popolo, Fermo (FM), 2-02-2012

t copertina bandiera


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