3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN per il 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120 4ª parte

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN  per il  3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120. Quarta parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!

 È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto.
Quel che segue è tratto dalle istruzioni della H-P conservate  nella Sezione Elettronica.
Il testo prosegue dalla terza parte.
4-42. The setting of the START and STOP potentiometers determine how much of each ramp is applied to the Summing Amplifier. The sum of these voltages at any point in time determines the output of the Summing Amplifier. The Summing Amplifier output is coupled to the Log Shaper input. It is also coupled to the -l0 Volt Comparator input.
4-43. When the input to the -10 volt comparator is between 0 volts and -10 volts, A4Q8A is saturated, holding A4Q9 off. When the input is between -10 volts and -20 volts, A4-Q8A is turned off. A4Q9 is now saturated, furnishing current through ASRS to the Log Shaper input.
4-44. When the Summing Amplifier output is between 0 volts and -10 volts, A4Q10 is conducting. Field effect transistor (FET) A4Q11 is also conducting, which puts a short circuit in parallel with A1C1 and its padding capacitors. When the Summing Amplifier output is between -10 volts and -20 volts A4Q10 is turned off, opening the FET A4Q11. The short circuit is now removed from the A1 [1A] capacitor group, putting it in series with the main capacitor group A1 [1]. This reduces the integrating capacitance by a factor of 100 at the same time that the Log Shaper input current is reduced by a factor of 100. As shown by the formula in Paragraph 4-10:

f = i/2cAe

there is no change in frequency at this switch-point. The capacitor groups [1] and  [1A] are used only in the low frequency range, but the same principle also applies in the other two ranges.
4-45. In MANUAL and EXT FREQ CONTROL A4Q13 is always cut off. In AUTO and TRIG A4Q13 conducts from T3 to T4. When conducting, A4Q13 prevents A4Q10 from turning on FET A4Q11 at T3. At T2 A4Q14 turns on FET A4Q12, which discharges capacitor group  [1A].  A4R47 limits the discharge current through A4Q12. At T4, A4Q11 turns on and A4Q12 turns off. Capacitor group [1A] is now shorted out of the circuit again.
4-47. Paragraphs 4-47 though 4-51 refer to Schematic Diagram 3, Figure 7-4. Mode of operation is AUTO, sweeping up through a four decade range.4-48. At T0 the output of the Summing Amplifier applied to the input of the Shaper Amplifier is 0 volts. The shaper output voltage is 0.2 volts. The feedback circuit for the Shaper Amplifier includes the main feedback resistor A5R22, in parallel with all the odd-numbered resistors from A5R31 through A5R59.
4-49. With a 0 volt input, all the parallel feedback resistors are in the circuit, giving the Shaper Amplifier its lowest gain about .093. Gain of the amplifier is found by the basic formula:

A = rf / rin

where rf is total feedback resistance and rin is the input resistance A5Rl. As the input voltage increases, the output voltage increases with a small gain. When the output reaches about 0.52 volts, the first diode in the integrated circuit IC1 becomes back-biased. A5R31 is no longer in parallel with A5R22. The total value of rf is slightly larger; therefore, the gain of the Shaper Amplifier is slightly higher. As the output voltage increases further, the next diodes become back-biased one at a time. This causes the amplification to be increased as each diode stops conducting. The values of the gain network are chosen to give a logarithmic gain to the amplifier. At T1the gain is about 9.3, 100 times greater than at T0, raising the output to +20 volts.
4-50. At T1 the Summing Amplifier, starts furnishing a current through XA5-1 to replace the current being taken out of the Shaper Amplifier input. The total Shaper Amplifier inputs now 0 volts, and the output immediately drops to 0.2 volts. The Shaper Amplifier output again increases logarithmically to +20 volts at T2. A5CR6 through A5CRI9 are each biased so that the reverse bias on each of the integrated circuit diodes is less than one volt. This prevents reverse breakdown of the diodes, and also prevents large leakage currents that would affect the gain of the amplifier.
4-51. A5R2 controls the maximum output voltage of the Shaper Amplifier. A5R5 is adjusted for minimum frequency jump at T1. A5R25 and A5R27 control the internal temperature of the integrated circuit packages.
4-53. Paragraphs 4-54 through 4-59 refer to Schematic Diagram 4, Figure 7-5.4-54. As the input voltage to the Voltage Amplifier varies from +0.2 volts to +20 volts, the output at A6TP1 varies from -4.176 volts to -21.6 volts. This voltage is coupled to the Current Source and also to the input of the Upper Current Source Assembly.
4-55. The voltage at A6Q9A base is held at -4.000 volts. The Current Source output at A6TP3 varies from 44 microamps to 4.4 milliamps at 4 volts.
4-56. The Current Compensator amplifies the small triangle wave at the integrator input and supplies current equal to the current which is shunted to ground through the 3300A capacitor A13C1. As frequency increases, more current flows to ground through A13C1. The. Current Compensator also couples more current into the -4 Volt Amplifier output as frequency increases, offsetting the current loss through A13C1.
4-57. In MAIN FRAME, A6R39 serves as a voltage dropping resistor, developing a test voltage at A6TP3, which varies from ,0044 volts to .44 volts as the MANUAL sweep vernier is turned through a four decade sweep.
4-59. The inverting Amplifier has an output varying from +4.l76 volts to +21 .6 volts. The voltage at A7Q9A base is held at +4.000 volts. In MAIN FRAME, the output at A7TP3 varies from 88 microamps to 8.8 milliamps at 4 volts, indicating two times the lower current to the 3300A triangle integrator. In MAIN FRAME the test voltage at A7TP3 varies from .0088 volts to .88 volts.
4-61. Paragraphs 4-61 through 4-64 refer to Schematic Diagram 5, Figure 7-6.
4-62. All voltages required by the 3305A are supplied by the 3300A power supply with the exception of the +24 volts and the -24 volts.
4-63. The +24 volt power supply uses a 6.2 volt zener diode A8CR1 as a reference. A8Q1, A8Q2, A8Q3A and A8Q3B make up a differential amplifier which uses the zener diode as reference. A8R13 through A8R19 make up a voltage divider feedback network. A8RI6 through A8R19 are +24.000 volts at A8TP1. Refer to Paragraph 5-56 for adjustment procedure necessary when A8CR1 is replaced.
4-64. The +24.000 is coupled from the +24 volt power supply output to A8R39 is matched with feedback resistor A8R40, causing the -24 volt output to follow the +24 volt output».
Omettiamo la Sezione V: Manutenzione, per la sua meticolosa lunghezza, ma riportiamo le  relative figure e tabelle.
Continua nella quinta parte.
Per consultare le altre  schede scrivere “3305A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede del generatore di funzioni 3300A scrivere “3300A”.
Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.




3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN per il 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120 3ª parte

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN  per il  3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120.  Terza parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!
 È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto.
da cui è tratta la fig.1.
Quel che segue è tratto dalle istruzioni della H-P conservate nella Sezione Elettronica.
Il testo prosegue dalla seconda parte.
4-2. This section contains a general theory of operation for the -hp- Model 3305A Sweep Plug-in. Included is a block diagram and a discussion of each mode of operation:
4-3. Before discussing the 3305A theory of operation it is important to know two basic functions of the Plug-in in regard to the main frame:
1.The Triangle Integrator capacitors in the main frame are replaced with ratio matched capacitors in the 3305A.
2.The 3305A controls the input to the Triangle Integrator in the main frame, and generates two exponential ramps to drive the Triangle Integrator for a full 4-decade sweep. Triangle Integrator per uno sweep completo di 4 decadi.
4-5. The operation of the 3305A is most easily described in the AUTO mode. This mode will be discussed, and then the differences encountered in the other modes will be discussed. Refer to the Block Diagram, Figure 4-1.4-6. AUTO.
4-7. The Ramp Generator furnishes a 0 volt to +24 volt linear ramp to the STOP potentiometer and to the Inverting Amplifier. The Inverting Amplifier furnishes a +24 volt to 0 volt linear ramp to the START potentiometer. The voltages from the START and STOP potentiometers coupled to the Summing Amplifier determine the START-STOP range of the sweep.
4-8. When four complete decades are swept upward, the output of the Summing Amplifier is a 0 volt to -20 volt ramp. This ramp is coupled to the Log Shaper an the Ten Volt Comparator. As the ram voltage changes from 0 volts to -10 volts, the Log Shaper output increases exponentially from +0.2 volts to +20 volts, causing the 3300A output to sweep upward two decades.
4-9. When the Summing Amplifier output reaches -10 volts at T1, as shown in Figure 4-l, the Ten Volt Comparator replaces the exact amount of current being taken from the Shaper input. This drops the Shaper output voltage by a factor of 100 from +20 volts to +0.2 volts. At the same time the Triangle Integrator Capacitance is decreased (switched) by a factor of 100.
4-10. The current to the 3300A Triangle Integrator is directly proportional to the Log Shaper output voltage, therefore if at T1 the value of i is decreased by 100 and the value of c is decreased by 100 there is no change in f at T1 as indicated by the basic frequency equation:

f = i / (2cΔe)

where f is the 3300A output frequency, i is the current to the 3300A Triangle Integrator, c is the integration capacitance and Δe is the peak-to-peak voltage of the 3300A Triangle Integrator output.
4-11. After T1 the Log Shaper output voltage again increases exponentially from +0.2 volts to +20 volts as input changes from -10 to -20 volts. This second exponential change of +0.2 to +20 volts continues to sweep the 3300A output an additional two decades higher.
4-12. The two exponential ramps from the Log Shaper are coupled to the Lower Current Source, then to Upper Current Source as shown in Figure 4-1. The Upper and Lower Current Sources furnish a varying current, proportional to the Log Shaper output voltage, to the 3300A Triangle Integrator to produce the proper output frequency.
4-13. By changing the two frequency determining elements at T1 and producing two exponential ramps, the 3305A is able to sweep 4 full decades with improved accuracy and stability.
4-14. At T2 the ramp generator output voltage starts decreasing. During this retrace time, from T2 to T4, the 3300A oscillator is disabled. At T4 the 3300A starts oscillation at the start frequency and continues at this frequency until another sweep starts at T0. This small “waiting time” T4 to T0 permits any transients, introduced at T4 when the blanking is removed, to subside before the start of the next sweep. At time T0 the Ramp Generator starts generating another 0 to +24 volt ramp to repeat the sweep cycle.
4-15. The retrace time (T2 to T4) is controlled by the SWEEP TIME switch. In the 100-10 and 10-1 positions the sweep retrace time is less than 4 seconds. In the l-.1 position, retrace time is less than 30 msec. In the .1-.01 position the retrace time is less than 3 msec. The SWEEP TIME switch and vernier also control the slope of the ramp, therefore controlling the sweep time (T0 to T2).
4-16. TRIGGER.
4-17. In TRIGGER, depressing the TRIG button or applying an external trigger to the TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack will cause the 3305A to sweep the 3300A one time as described in AUTO mode. After each sweep the 3300A output will wait at the start frequency until another trigger is supplied.
4-19. In EXT FREQ control the STOP potentiometer is disconnected and the output of the Inverting Amplifier is held at +24 volts. In this mode the sum of the voltage from the START potentiometer and the voltage applied to the TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack determines the 3300A output frequency by – controlling the Summing Amplifier output. With no voltage applied to the TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack, the 3300A frequency is that of the START setting. For each +6 volts applied to TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack, the frequency increases one decade until the upper limit of the four decades is reached. Each -6 volts decreases the frequency one decade until the lower limit of the four decades is reached.
4-20. MANUAL.
4-21 In MANUAL, the MAN. START/MAN. STOP potentiometer replaces the Ramp Generator. The MAN. START/MAN. STOP potentiometer varies the voltage applied to the STOP potentiometer and Inverting Amplifier from 0 to +24 volts. This allows the 3300A frequency to be manually controlled over a four decade range with the MAN. START/MAN. STOP control.
4-23. In MAIN FRAME, the 3300A main frame operates independently .of the 3305A plug-in. The theory of operation for the main frame is discussed in 3300A Operating and Service Manual.
4-25. Paragraphs 4-26 through 4-45 refer to AUTO mode except where otherwise specified. Figure 4-1 shows wave form relationships. Refer to Schematic Diagram 1, Figure 7-2.

4-27. At To A2Q9 is turned off by the Sweep Control, operating as a monostable multivibrator. A3CR2 is now forward biased and A3CR3 is back biased. Current can now flow through A3Q1 from A2C1 (capacitor used depends on the SWEEP TIME switch position). A linear voltage ramp is integrated from 0 volts to +24 volts measured at A3TP1.
4-28. The slope of the ramp is controlled by the SWEEP TIME switch and vernier. When the ramp reaches +24 volts at T2, A3Q9A turns on. This cuts A3Q8 off; causing a current to flow through A3CRl0, which triggers the monostable Sweep Control. A2Q9 starts furnishing current to discharge the ramp integrator capacitor A2C1. The integrator output voltage then decreases until it reaches 0 volts at T4.
4-29. At T4 the Zero Volt Comparator senses the 0 volt level and turns on A3Q10. The Zero Volt Comparator adjusts the current flowing through A3Q10 to hold the output of the Ramp Integrator at 0 volts until another ramp begins at the next T0.
4-31. The Bistable-Monostable Sweep Control operates as a monostable multivibrator in AUTO and as a bistable in TRIG. In EXT FREQ CONTROL, MANUAL, and MAIN FRAME the bistable is held in one state by A2R32. Refer to Figure 4-2 for a simplified schematic diagram of the Sweep Control.

4-32. In TRIG the sweep may be started by depressing the TRIG button or applying a positive external trigger voltage. The trigger voltage is amplified by A3Q5 and A3Q6, and is coupled through A3CR7 to the base of A2Q7. This positive voltage turns off A2Q7, which causes A2Q8 to saturate. The Bistable Sweep Control now causes the Ramp Integrator to start a ramp voltage being generated as explained in Paragraph 4-27.
4-33. At T2 the 24 Volt Comparator causes a current to flow through A2CR10 from the base of A2Q7, and A2Q7 becomes saturated. This applies about + 22 volts to the base of A2Q8, turning it off.
4-34. In AUTO the 24 Volt Comparator turns on A2Q7 at T2, as explained in Paragraph 4-33. As A2Q7 saturates, the positive-going waveform on the collector of A2Q7 is coupled to the base of A2Q8 through A2C3 (and A2C4 and A2C5 at sweep times greater than one second). This prevents A2Q8 from conducting until A2C3 discharges to about l9 volts, at which time A2Q8 once more conducts and starts another sweep.
4-35. The Retrace Control causes the Blanking circuit to blank the output of the 3300A triangle integrator during the retrace time from T2 to T4. At T2 the collector voltage of A2Q8 drops to 0 volts, drawing current through A2R40 and saturating A2Q12. Base current is now supplied through A2R44 to saturate A2Q13. Current is now drawn from the input of the triangle integrator through AZR43. Because of the current flowing in A2R43, the output of the 3300A triangle integrator rises quickly to +20 volts, triggering the +20 volt comparator.
4-36. The +20 volt square wave output of the Comparator is applied to A2CR7. The “and gate” circuit formed by A2CR6 and A2CR7 now reverse-biases the base of A2Q14, turning it off. The voltage on the base of A2Q15 will now be +9 volts. The +20 volt output of the triangle integrator is coupled through A2CR8 to the emitter of A2Q15. A large current now flows through A2Q15 until the triangle integrator output gets down to +10 volts. At this point A2Q15 supplies just enough current to the input of the triangle integrator to hold the integrator output at +10 volts. The output in SINE and TRIANGLE is now 0 volts.
4-37. At T4 the voltage at the collector of A3Q12 rises to -14 volts. A current will now flow through A2R39, saturating A2Q10. The current which now flows through A2R37 and A2R38 causes A2Q11 to saturate and turn off A2Q12. The collector voltage of A2Ql2 will now fall to -21 volts, turning off A2Ql3 and turning on A2Ql4. This allows the 3300A triangle integrator to begin normal operation again.
4-38. At T0 A2Q16 starts conducting, causing the Pen Lift relay A2K1 contacts to close. At T2 A2Q16 is turned off, opening the A2K1 contacts. This offers a recorder pen control at sweep times longer than one second. At sweep times shorter than one second, the SWEEP TIME switch opens the pen lift circuit, so that the relay will not operate.
4-39. Paragraphs 4-40 through 4-45 refer to Schematic Diagram 2, Figure 7-3.4-40. The +24 volt ramp is applied through the SWEEP MODE switch to both the Inverting Amplifier input and the STOP potentiometer. The Inverting Amplifier has unity gain, as determined by A2R1 and A2R3 (A = R3/R1) . The Inverting Amplifier output is a +24 volt to 0 volt negative-going ramp. This ramp is applied to the START potentiometer».
Continua nella quarta parte.
Per consultare le altre  schede scrivere “ 3305A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede del generatore di funzioni 3300A scrivere “3300A”.
Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.







3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN per il 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120 2ª parte

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN  per il  3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120. Seconda parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!

 È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto.
Il testo prosegue dalla prima parte.
(1)       LOCK knob: Mechanically locks 3305A into 3300A main frame, continuously turning this knob CCW will force the plug-in from main frame.
(2)       TRIG pushbutton: For manually triggering the sweep in TRIG mode.
(3)       INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack: For external trigger in TRIG mode and for control voltage in EXT FREQ CONTROL mode.
(4)       PEN LIFT jack: For remote control of pen on recorder. Floating contact closure on the 10-1 and 100-10 sec SWEEP TIME positions during sweep.
(5)       SWEEP TIME switch: For decade step changes in sweep time.
(6)       SWEEP TIME VERNIER: For fine adjustment of sweep time within the decade selected.
(7)       START frequency dial: For setting start frequency, dial setting times the multiplier indicated by the Multiplier Index, (9).
(8)       Dial Index: For indicating the dial setting.
(9)       Multiplier Index: Indicates multiplier to be used.
(10)     FREQUENCY RANGE switch: For selecting one of the three 4-decade ranges indicated by FREQUENCY RANGE dial (11)
(11)     FREQUENCY RANGE dial: For indicating range in use.
(12)     STOP frequency control: For setting stop frequency.
(13)     SWEEP MODE switch: For selecting sweep mode of operation.
(14)     MAN. START/MAN.STOP control: For controlling frequency between START and STOP frequencies in MANUAL mode of operation.
3-2. This section contains instructions and information necessary for operation of the Model 3300A/3305A Function Generator with the Sweep Plug-in.
3-4. The 3305A front panel controls are identified and described in Figure 3-1. Refer to the 3300A Operating and Service Manual for the function of the 3300A main frame controls.
3-6. The Model 3300A/3305A has five modes of operation. Each n-rode of operation is described in the paragraphs listed:
1.AUTO (Paragraph 3-35)
2.TRIGGER (Paragraph 3-30)
4.MANUAL (Paragraph 3-36)
5.MAIN FRAME (Paragraph 3-39)
3-9. After inserting the Plug-in into the main frame, apply operating power by depressing POWER pushbutton and allow a one hour warm up and stabilization period for internal parts to reach normal operating temperature; specified accuracy will then be obtained. If the main frame has been on for one hour or more prior to inserting the 3305A Plug-in, the warm-up time may be decreased to 20 minutes.
3-11. The sweep generated by the 3300A 3305A is logarithmic. That is, the amount of time required to sweep each decade is equal; therefore, the rate of change in output frequency increases as the sweep progresses.
3-13. In all modes of operation except EXT FREQ CONTROL and MAIN FRAME, a sweep voltage proportional to the log of the output frequency is available from CHANNEL B OUTPUT in PLUG-IN position. This sweep voltage may be used to obtain proper pen movement or oscilloscope presentation in AUTO, TRIG, or MANUAL modes of operation. The Channel B AMPLITUDE control adjusts the amplitude of the sweep output voltage. Once the sweep output voltage is adjusted the sweep width may be varied without affecting the sweep output voltage amplitude or period. The sweep time may be changed without readjusting the sweep output amplitude. The period of the sweep output will be the same as the sweep time.
3-14. PEN LIFT.
3-15. In the 100-10 and 10-1 sec SWEEP TIME positions the PEN LIFT jack provides contact closure during the sweep for remote control of recorder pen. In the 1-.1 and .1-.01 sec SWEEP TIME positions the PEN LIFT circuit is switched out.
3-17. In AUTO or TRIG mode of sweep the length of time required for one sweep from START frequency to STOP frequency is determined by the SWEEP TIME switch and VERNIER settings. Sweep time is continuously adjustable from .01 seconds to 100 seconds in four decade steps. In each decade position, sweep time is longest when the VERNIER is fully counterclockwise. Sweep time may be measured by observing the period of the sweep output voltage.
3-19. In AUTO, TRIG, or MANUAL, the sweep width is controlled by the FREQUENCY RANGE switch in conjunction with the START and STOP controls. For example, to set the start frequency to 50 HZ, the START control should be turned until the 5 is aligned with the Dial Index, Figure 3-1, and the Multiplier Index (9), is aligned with the X10 marking on the FREQUENCY RANGE dial. The stop  frequency is set in the same manner. See Paragraph 3-33 for external sweep width control.
3-20. When the Multiplier Index is in transition between two multipliers, use the larger multiplier when the dial is above 1 and the smaller multiplier when the dial is below 1.
3-22. The START and STOP controls may be set to sweep either up or down in frequency. When sweeping down there is a slight discontinuity caused by internal switching at the midpoint of each frequency range, 10 Hz on X.1-X100, 100 Hz on X1-X1K and l kHz on X10-X10K. When sweeping down less than two decades, this discontinuity can be avoided by selecting the proper frequency range setting. For example a sweep from 900 Hz down to 20 Hz does not go through the switch point on the highest or lowest FREQUENCY RANGE setting. This feature is available because of the overlapping of the three frequency ranges.
3-23. When sweeping up, this internal switching is negligible; however, when sweeping high Q circuits over a narrow band, it is recommended to use the overlapping range feature and select a range where the mid-range switch-point is not within the range of frequencies being swept.
3-25. AUTO.
3-26. In AUTO mode the output of the 3300A is repetitively swept from the start frequency to the stop frequency. The maximum sweep width is 4 decades. The lowest FREQUENCY RANGE switch position will enable sweeping from 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz. The middle FREQUENCY RANGE switch position will enable sweeping from 1 Hz to 10 kHz. The highest FREQUENCY RANGE switch position will enable sweeping from 10 Hz to 100 kHz.
3-27. The sweep width of any frequency range may be reduced as desired by setting the START and STOP controls away from their limits. If the START control is set at a higher frequency than the STOP control, the 3300A will sweep downward.
3-28. Any sweep time between .01 seconds and 100 seconds may be selected by the SWEEP TIME switch and vernier. A sweep voltage output for driving a recorder or an oscilloscope is available from the 3300A CHANNEL B OUTPUT PLUG-IN position. Refer to Paragraph 3-12 for additional information concerning sweep output voltage.
3-29. To operate the 3300A/3305A in AUTO SWEEP MODE proceed as follows:
1.Set the SWEEP MODE switch to AUTO.2.Set the SWEEP TIME switch and the VERNIER to the desired sweep time.
3.Set the START and STOP controls and the FREQUENCY RANGE switch to the desired frequencies.
4.Position CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B to the desired function and adjust the AMPLITUDE control for the desired output level.
5.Connect the device under test to the CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B OUTPUT jack.
6.If a sweep drive voltage is desired, connect the recorder X axis input or oscilloscope horizontal input to CHANNEL B OUTPUT. Switch the CHANNEL B function switch to PLUG-IN. Adjust the CHANNEL B AMPLITUDE control for the desired display on the oscilloscope or recorder.
The MANUAL sweep mode may be used to set the X and Y limits on a
recorder or oscilloscope before switching to AUTO3-30. TRIGGER.
3-31. In TRIG mode, the 3305A operates the same as in AUTO except that it must be triggered for each sweep. Triggering may be accomplished by depressing the TRIG button or by applying a positive external trigger to the INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack. The external trigger is ac coupled and must be positive-going, at least 1V peak with 2V per msec rise rate. The maximum trigger rate in TRIG sweep mode is 60 Hz.
3-32. To operate the 3300A/3305A in TRIG SWEEP MODE proceed as follows:
1.Set the SWEEP MODE switch to TRIG.
2.Set the SWEEP TIME switch and VERNIER to the desired sweep time.
3.Set the START and STOP controls and the FREQUENCY RANGE switch to the desired frequencies.
4.Position CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B to the desired function and adjust the AMPLITUDE control for the desired output level.
5.Connect the device under test to the CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B OUTPUT jack.
6.If a sweep voltage is desired, connect the recorder X axis input or oscilloscope- horizontal input to the CHANNEL B OUTPUT. Switch the CHANNEL B function switch to PLUG-IN. Adjust the CHANNEL B AMPLITUDE control for desired display on oscilloscope or recorder.
7.If an external trigger voltage is to be used, connect the INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack to a trigger source that will supply a positive-going trigger with an amplitude of at least 1 volt with a rise rate of 2 volts per msec or greater.
3-34. In EXT FREQ CONTROL the START control determines the initial start frequency, and the voltage applied to the INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL varies the frequency from this initial frequency. For each +6 volts applied externally, the 3300A frequency increases one decade above the START frequency until the frequency range upper limit is reached. Each -6 volts applied decreases the frequency one decade until the frequency range lower limit is reached. The external voltage applied may be either ac or dc with a peak of less than +/- 24V. The maximum frequency of ac control voltage for external frequency control is 100 Hz.
The SWEEP TIME controls and STOP FREQUENCY control have no effect in EXT FREQ CONTROL mode.
3-35. To operate the 3300A/3305A in EXT FREQ CONTROL SWEEP MODE proceed as follows:
1.Set the SWEEP MODE switch to EXT FREQ CONTROL.
2.Set START control to the desired start frequency.
3.Connect an external control voltage to INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack.
If a positive control voltage is used, set the START control to the lowest frequency desired. If a negative control voltage is used, set the START control to the highest frequency desired. If an ac control voltage is used, set the START control to the desired center frequency and adjust the peak amplitudes of the ac signal to set the high and low frequencies. The sensitivity of the external frequency control is 6V/decade. The change in external voltage required for change in frequency may be determined from Figure 3-2 or from the following formula:

V = 6V (log of high freq. – log of low freq.)

1.Position CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B to the desired function and adjust the AMPLITUDE control for the desired output level.
2.Connect the device under test to the appropriate CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B OUTPUT jack.
If the INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack is open during EXT FREQ CONTROL mode the output frequency may vary with stray voltage pickup.
3-36. MANUAL.
3-37. In MANUAL, the 3300A output frequency is controlled by the MAN. START/MAN. STOP control. When the MAN. START/MAN. STOP knob is fully counterclockwise, the 3300A frequency is that of the START control. As the MAN. START/MAN. STOP knob is turned clockwise, the 3300A frequency varies toward the STOP setting; reaching the STOP frequency in the fully clockwise position.
3-38. To operate the 3300A / 3305A in MANUAL SWEEP MODE proceed as follows:
1.Set the SWEEP MODE switch to MANUAL.
2.Set the START and STOP controls and the FREQUENCY RANGE switch to the desired frequencies.
3.Position CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B to the desired function and adjust the AMPLITUDE control for the desired output level.
4.Connect the device under test to the appropriate CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B OUTPUT jack, and manually control the sweep with the MAN. START/MAN. STOP control.
5.If a sweep drive voltage is desired, connect the recorder X axis input or oscilloscope horizontal input to the CHANNEL B OUTPUT, and switch the CHANNEL B function switch to PLUG-IN. Adjust the CHANNEL B AMPLITUDE control for desired display on the oscilloscope or recorder.
The MANUAL mode of sweep permits the setting of start and stop frequency points with an electronic counter before switching to the AUTO or TRIG mode. The MANUAL sweep mode is also very useful in setting the X and Y limits on a recorder or oscilloscope.
3-40. In MAIN FRAME, the 3300A operates independently of the 3305A; however, the plug-in must remain in place in order to provide electrical connections for 3300A main frame operation.
Refer to the 3300A Operating and Service Manual for the operating procedure in MAIN FRAME».

Continua nella terza parte.
Per consultare le altre  schede scrivere “ 3305A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede del generatore di funzioni 3300A scrivere “3300A”.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.





3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN per il 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120 1ª parte

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN  per il  3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR  della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120. Prima parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!
È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto:
Da questi si deduce che il generatore di funzioni 3300A è stato messo sul mercato nel 1965; mentre il plug-in 3305A è in vendita dal 1968.
Negli archivi della sezione Elettronica  abbiamo trovato sia le istruzioni di questo SWEEP PLUG-IN  sia quelle del 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR. 

 Le istruzioni consistono di ben 59 pagine.
Dunque, dopo aver tradotto una buona parte delle istruzioni, abbiamo preferito riportare nelle schede parte del testo in inglese per sottolineare l’efficacia del linguaggio tecnico originale.

 Facciamo notare come l’ing. Claudio Profumieri abbia fotografato il 3300A sia  senza il plug-in 3305A, sia con questo dispositivo che ne aumenta la versatilità. Sia il 3300A, sia il plug-in sono talmente complessi rispetto ai precedenti esemplari a tubi elettronici che hanno richiesto, solo per una sintetica descrizione diverse schede ciascuno.
Quel che segue è tratto dalle istruzioni della H-P conservate  nella Sezione Elettronica.
1-2. This section contains general information about the Model 3305A Sweep Plug-in for the -hp- Model 3300A Function Generator. The 3305A extends the use of the 3300A Function Generator by making a four-decade logarithmic sweep available for all output functions. Automatic sweep, single sweep, or manual sweep is available from the 3305A, in addition to external frequency control for external programming of output frequency over a four-decade range.
1-3. The 3300A/3305A will logarithmically sweep between any two frequencies within any one of the following ranges:

          0.1 Hz to 1 kHz

          1 Hz to 10 kHz

          10 Hz to 100 kHz

Calibrated independent START and STOP controls are used for setting the desired sweep end points. Adjustable sweep time from 0.01 to 100 seconds provides a wide range of sweep time settings in the AUTO and TRIG sweep modes.
1-5. AUTO.
1-6. In AUTO, the 3300A/3305A will sweep repetitively between any two frequencies in one of the three 4-decade ranges given in Paragraph I-3. An adjustable sweep time from 0.01 to 100 sec and an adjustable sweep output voltage for driving a recorder or oscilloscope are available in the AUTO mode. The amplitude of Linear sweep output is independent of START and STOP frequency settings.
1-8. In this mode, the 3300A will be swept once each time the 3305A is triggered. Triggering may be done manually by depressing the TRIG button, or by applying an external trigger voltage. The same sweep ranges and sweep times that are available in AUTO are also available in TRIG.
1-10. In EXT FREQ CONTROL an externally applied voltage can vary the output frequency up or down over a total maximum range of four decades. This external voltage may be a positive or negative dc voltage or an ac voltage. A positive 6 volt change applied to the INPUT TRIG/FREQ CONTROL jack will increase the 3300A output frequency one decade, and a negative 6 volts will decrease the frequency one decade within the limits of the frequency range selected. In EXT FREQ CONTROL mode the START control setting determines the initial output frequency. With the START control fully counterclockwise, a 24 volt variation of the external voltage will sweep the output frequency 4 decades.
1-11. MANUAL.
1-12. In MANUAL, the output frequency is varied manually between the limits set up by the START and STOP controls. When the MAN. START/MAN. STOP control is fully counterclockwise, the 3300A is operating at the start frequency. As the control is turned clockwise, the frequency changes toward the stop frequency, reaching the stop frequency in the full clockwise position. In this mode of sweep the 3300A frequency can be manually controlled over a four decade range with the MAN. START/MAN.STOP  control.
1-14. In MAIN FRAME the 3305A provides electrical connections necessary for 3300A main frame operation. In MAIN FRAME position the 3300A operation is the same as if the 3301A plug-in were installed».
OMISSIS 1-15 …
Per ragioni di sintesi abbiamo deciso di omettere sia la SECTION II INSTALLATION, sia la SECTION  VI REPLACEABLE PARTS. Omettiamo anche  la  SECTION V : MAINTENANCE, per la sua meticolosa lunghezza, ma riportiamo alcune figure e tabelle nelle successive parti.
Il testo continua nella seconda parte.
Per consultare le altre  schede scrivere “3305A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede del generatore di funzioni 3300A scrivere “3300A”.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.

3300A FUNCION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 746-00720 2ª parte

3300A FUNCION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 746-00720. Seconda parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!

È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto.
Da questi si deduce che il generatore di funzioni 3300A è stato messo sul mercato nel 1965; mentre il plug-in 3305A è in vendita dal 1968.
Quel che segue è tratto dalle istruzioni della H-P conservate nell’archivio della Sezione Elettronica.
Il testo prosegue dalla prima parte.
3-2. This section consists of instructions and information necessary for the operation of the -hp- Model
3300A Function Generator.
3-4. Each operating control and connector located on the 3300A is identified and described in Figure 3-1.
The description of each component is keyed to an illustration of that component.
3-6. To turn on the Model 3300A, proceed as follows: (Refer to Figure 3-1).
a. Set 115/230 v slide switch (1) to line voltage to be used, and check for proper value fuse (0.6 amp  slow-blow for 115 volt operation, 0.4 amp slow-blow for 230 volt operation).
b. Connect Power Input Jack (2) to the ac line voltage with the power cord furnished with instrument.
c. Depress POWER button (3) ; ensure that light in button illuminates.
-NOTE For small signal applications to obtain optimum signal to noise performance, use an external 20  dB attenuator.
NOTE  -0.5 to -10 volts will linearly control the frequency over one decade of range selected. A +0.3 to -10 volts will linearly control the frequency over 50:1 range. Select desired frequency range and set
amplitude of externally applied voltage for desired frequency. All 3300A controls except the  FREQUENCY dial are operated in the same manner as in Paragraph 3-8.
3-8. To operate the Model 3300A locally using the FREQUENCY dial, proceed as follows: (See Figure 3 -1.)
a. Select desired frequency by setting RANGE Switch (4) and FREQUENCY Dial (5) .
b. Select desired function by setting CHANNEL A and/or CHANNEL B Function Switch (7) or (8).  PLUG-IN position is used for plug-in function(s).
c. Set AMPLITUDE controls for desired output at the OUTPUT connectors (10) or (11).
3-9. To control the frequency of the Model 3300A, externally (remotely) proceed as follows:
a. Remove FREQ DIAL-to-FREQ CONTROL shorting bar (14) .
b. Apply a negative dc voltage from -0.5 to (12) Volts to the FREQUENCY CONTROL BNC .
NOTE    -0.5 to -10 volts will linearly control the frequency over one decade of range selected. A + 0. 3 to  -10 volts will linearly control the frequency over 50:1 range.
c. Select desired frequency range and set amplitude of externally applied voltage for desired frequency.
d. All 3300A controls except the FREQUENCY dial are operated in the same manner as in Paragraph 3-8.
3- 10. To dc offset the output function of the 3300A with either the 3301A or 3302A Plug-In, proceed as  follows:
a. Remove CKT GND—to-OUTPUT GND shorting Bar (15).
b. Connect desired dc offset voltage between CKT GND and the common grounds.
NOTE-  If additional offset is required apply dc voltage up to ± 250V between out-put ground and  power-line ground.
With dc offset voltage applied between output ground and power-line ground the outside conductor on the OUTPUT BNC connector will be at the potential of the offset voltage».
Per ragioni di presentazione anticipiamo la Sezione V.
5-2. This section contains information necessary for the proper maintenance of the -hp- Model 3300A Function Generator. The required test equipment is listed in Table 5-1. Test equipment with comparable characteristics can be substituted if recommended equipment is not available.
5-4. The performance checks are front panel procedures designed to compare the -hp- Model 3300A  with its specifications. (See Table 1-1). These checks may be accomplished with either the 3301A  Auxiliary Plug-in or Malfunction Isolating Aid Plug (see Figure 5-7) installed in the 3300A. These  operations should be completed before any attempt is made to adjust or calibrate the instrument. Allow a
30 minute warm-up period before making performance checks.If a performance check indicates that the instrument does not meet specifications refer to the applicable paragraph in the Adjustment and Calibration procedure contained in this Section. (See Table 5-5).5-5. DIAL ACCURACY.
a. Test equipment required: Frequency Counter (-hp- Model 5245L).
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to the frequency counter and set the 3300A control as follows:
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . 10
CHANNEL A function switch. . . . SINE
CHANNEL A AMPLITUDE . . . . mid position
c. Check frequency for each position of RANGE switch.
d. Accuracy should be a ±1% of maximum dial setting (one minor division) on X. 01 through
X1K ranges, and = ±2% of maximum dial setting (two minor divisions) on X10K range.
5-6. Since the specification gives % of maximum dial setting (full scale), the accuracy will always be ±1 or 2 minor divisions at any point on the dial. 5-7 . DISTORTION CHECK.
a. Test equipment required: Distortion Analyzer (-hp- Model 331A).
b. Connect the OUTPUT of CHANNEL A to distortion analyzer and set 3300A controls as follows:
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . 10
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . X1K
CHANNEL A function switch . . . SINE
CHANNEL A AMPLITUDE control . . . . . . . . . . mid position
c. Distortion should be less than 1%.
d. Position the RANGE switch to X10K. Distortion should be less than 3%.
NOTE: The sine function is electronically synthesized from the triangle function. Satisfactory performance of Distortion Check assures symmetry and triangle linearity.
5-9. Check frequency response over entire range by setting up 10 centimeter peak-to-peak reference on oscilloscopes. 1% equal variation of one-half a minor division, 3% equal variation of one and one-half
minor divisions on oscilloscope.
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A/1750A).
b. Connect the OUTPUT of CHANNEL A to Oscilloscope and set 3300A controls as follows:
CHANNEL A function switch. . . SQUARE
c. The peak-to-peak voltage should be > 35 volts over entire frequency range.
5-11. Repeat 5- 10 above with CHANNEL A function switch set to SINE and TRIANGLE. The minimum  peak-to-peak voltage remains 35 volts.
5- 12. Repeat 5-10 and 5-11 on CHANNEL B.
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A/1750A), 600 ohm, and 50 ohm resistor, see  Table 5-1.
b. Connect OUTPUT of CHANNEL A and 600 ohm resistor as shown in Figure 5-1. Set the 3300A controls as follows:
FREQUENCY dial………… 10
RANGE switch………………X100
control . . . . . . . . . . . ……. Max. CW
CHANNEL A function switch . . SQUARE
c. Peak-to-peak voltage should be > 15 volts.
5-14. Repeat 5-13 on CHANNEL B. Limit remains > 15 volts peak-to-peak.
5-15. Repeat 5-13 and 5- 14 except load the instrument with the 50 ohm resistor. CHANNEL A and  CHANNEL B voltage output should be > 2 volts peak-to-peak.
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A/1750A) and 10:1 Probe (-hp- Model 10001A).
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT without a load to the oscilloscope using 10:1 Probe, and set the  3300A controls as follows:
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . . SQUARE
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . 10
RANGE switch. . . . . . . . . . X10K
c. Verify: Rise and fall time < 250 nano sec.
Sag < 1%
Overshoot (full output) < 5%
Symmetry error < 1%
Overshoot (full output) < 5%
Symmetry error < 1%
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A/1750A).
b. Connect SYNC OUTPUT to oscilloscope and set 3300A controls as follows:
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . .10
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X1K
c. Pulse should be > 10 volts peak-to-peak and < 5 microsecond duration.
a. Test equipment required: DC Power Supply (-hp- Model 723A) and oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A)
b. Connect the instruments as shown in Figure 5-2. Remove FREQ. DIAL-to- FREQ. CONTROL
shorting bar.
c. Set 3300A controls as follows:
CHANNELA function switch . . . . SINE
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . X10
d. Monitor frequency as power supply is varied from 0 to -10 volts. Frequency should vary over the decade. 10 to 100 cycles.
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A/1750A).
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to one channel of the oscilloscope and CHANNEL B OUTPUT to  the other channel of the oscilloscope.
c. Set 3300A controls as follows:
CHANNEL A function switch . . . . . SINE
CHANNEL B function switch. . . . . – A
d. The output of CHANNEL B should be a sine wave, but 180° out of phase with the output of
When it is necessary to repair or adjust the Model 3300A. one or more covers will have to be removed.  To remove either the top or bottom cover, remove the two phillips screws and slide the cover to the rear.
5-24. The adjustment and calibration procedures are designed to adjust and calibrate the -hp- Model  3300A and should be undertaken only if the performance checks indicate the instrument does not meet specifications (see Figure 5-3 for adjustment identification
and location).
5-25. The measurement points, adjustments and voltage limits are given in Table 5-2. Refer to Figure 5-4  for convenient top and bottom chassis location for monitoring supply voltage. Supplies should be adjusted in the following order: – 26. 5 V, + 26. 5 V. – 20 V.  + 20 V. The supplies should be rechecked and, if necessary, readjusted in the same order.
a. Test equipment required: AC Voltmeter (-hp- Model 400F/FL).
b. With the AC Voltmeter, check the regulated power supplies (±26. 5 V and ±20. 00 V) for ripple.
c. Ripple should be <20 millivolts.5-27. POWER SUPPLY REGULATION CHECK.
a. Test equipment required: DC Voltmeter (-hp- Model 3440A/3443A) and Variable Line Voltage Transformer.
b. Apply power to the 3300A through the variable line voltage transformer.
c. With the DC Voltmeter. check the regulated power supplies as input voltage to the 3300A is varied from 103 to 127 Vac (207 to 253 Vac). Voltage limits are given in Table 5-2.
a. After 3300A has been on approximately 30 min, connect a DC Voltmeter between circuit ground and collector of Q7 (Q9 on instruments Serial prefixed: 519-, 533-. 609-, 616- and 622-.) Voltage noted should be approximately 20 volts.
This voltage will vary with oven amplifier transistors.
b. Turn 3300A off for approximately 1 minute, then turn it on. Voltage should have decreased to approximately 15 volts. Voltage should then increase and overshoot that noted in step a but in time
damp out to approximately 20 V.
5-30. Lower Frequency Symmetry Adj. (A13R22).
a. Test equipment required: Electronic Counter (-hp- Model 5245L with 5262A Time Interval
Plug-in), Digital Voltmeter (-hp- Model 3440A/3443A). and DC Power Supply (-hp- Model 723A).
b. Remove FREQ DIAL-to-FREQ CONTROL shorting bar, and connect 3300A CHANNEL
A to counter.
c. Set 3300A controls as follows:
RANGE Switch . . . . . . . . . . X.1
CHANNEL A Function . . . . . . SQUARE
d. Connect DC power supply to FREQUENCY CONTROL BNC and adjust output for +0.3 volts (verify
with digital voltmeter).
e. Measure t1 and adjust A13R22. LOWER FREQ. SYM. . to make t2 = t1. Ref. Figure 5-5.5-31. Upper Frequency Symmetry Adjust. (A13R23).
Lower FREQ. ADJUST must be made before this adjustment. With the same setup as used for 5-30. except select X100 on the RANGE switch, adjust A13-R23 UPPER FREQ. SYM to equalize t1 and t2.
Symmetry error should be < 1%.

% Symmetry error = (t1 – t2 x 100) / (t1 + t2)

This adjustment interacts with the Frequency Symmetry Adjustments (A13R22 and A13R23):
perform the following adjustment only if the frequency is not within specified accuracy (Table 1-1) on the
X10 or X.1 RANGE.
a. Test equipment required: Frequency Counter (-hp- Model 5245L).
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to Frequency Counter, and set 3300A controls as follows:
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . X10
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . 10
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . . SINE
c. Output frequency should be 100 Hz, ±1 minor division on FREQUENCY dial.
d. Position RANGE switch to X. 1 and measure output frequency 1 Hz, ±1 minor division on FREQUENCY dial.
Repeat Frequency Symmetry Adjust outlined in paragraph 5-29 if A13R24 is adjusted in the following step.
e. If the frequency is not within specifications given in step c or d, adjust A13R24 CURRENT SOURCE ADJ for optimum indication on both X10 and X. 1 RANGE.
a. Test equipment required: Frequency Counter (-hp- Model 5245L).
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to Frequency Counter, and set 3300A control as follows:
RANGE switch. . . . . . . . . . . . .X100
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . SINE
c. Loosen dial from hub and adjust the frequency of 3300A to exactly 100 cps by rotating the hub. Set  the dial to read “1” and tighten the dial to the hub. Recheck the frequency.
a. With same setup as used for 5-33, turn FREQUENCY dial to “10”.
b. Adjust A13R17 FREQ CAL ADJ for output frequency of 1 kHz.
5-36. XIK RANGE ADJUST (A13C19).
a. With same setup as used for 5-33, set RANGE switch to X1K and FREQUENCY dial to “10”.
b. Adjust A13C19 X1K RANGE ADJ for output frequency of 10 kHz.
5-37. X10K RANGE ADJUST (A13C6}.
a. With same setup as used for 5-33 set RANGE switch to X10K and FREQUENCY dial to “10”.
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to distortion analyzer and set Model 3300A controls as follows:
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . . . 1
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . X1K
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . . SINE
c. Adjust A14R17. UPPER SINE ADJ and A14R29 LOWER SINE ADJ for minimum distortion.
d. Distortion should be < 1%.
5-38. DlSTORTlON ADJUST (Al4R17 AND A14R29)_.
a. Test equipment required: Distortion Analyzer (-hp- Model 331.)
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to distortion analyzer and set Model 3300A controls as follows:
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . . . 1
RANGE switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . X1K
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . . SINE
c. Adjust A14R17. UPPER SINE ADJ and A14R29 LOWER SINE ADJ for minimum distortion.
d. Distortion should be <1%.5-39. DC OUTPUT LEVEL ADJUST (A15R7 AND A16R7)
a. Test equipment required: DC Voltmeter (-hp- Model 3440A) and RC Filter see Figure 5-6.
b. Connect CHANNEL A OUTPUT to DC Volt- meter through a filter as shown in Figure 5-6.
c. Set 3300A controls as follows:
RANGE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . X100
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . 10
CHANNEL A Function . . . . . Vary
d. Check dc output level on all three functions. Adjust A15R7 DC LEVEL ADJ for minimum voltage on all functions. DC levels should be  ±200 mV.
Compromise the adjustment of A15R7 so that all functions are as close to zero volts as possible.
5-40. Repeat 5-39 on CHANNEL B. and adjust A16R7 DC LEVEL ADJ.
a. Test equipment required: Oscilloscope (-hp- Model 175A) and 10:1 Probe. (-hp- Model 10001A).
b. Connect the CHANNEL A OUTPUT to theoscilloscope using the 10:1 Probe.
c. Set 3300A controls as follows:
CHANNEL A function . . . . . . . . SQUARE
FREQUENCY dial . . . . . . . . . . 10
RANGE switch. . . . . . . . . . . . X10K
d. Adjust A15C2 SQUARE WAVE ADJ for minimum rise time with less than 5% overshoot on the square  wave. Rise time should be  < 250 nsec .
5-42. Repeat 5-41 on CHANNEL B, and adjust A16C2 SQUARE WAVE ADJ.
5-45. The Model 3300A has six etched circuit boards. Use caution when removing them to avoid  damaging mounted components. The -hp- Part No. for the assembly is marked on the circuit board to  identify it and on the appropriate schematic. Refer to Section VII for replacement -hp- Part No. The  etched circuit boards are of the plated-through type. The electrical connection between the two sides of the board is made by a layer of metal plated-through the component  hole. When working on these boards, observe the following rules:
a. Use a low-heat (25 to 30 watts) small-tip soldering iron, and a small diameter rosin core solder.
b. Remove circuit components by placing the soldering iron on the component lead on either side of the  board, and pulling up on the lead. If a component is obviously damaged, clip leads off as close to the
component as possible and then remove leads with a soldering iron.
c. Clean component lead hole with the iron and inserting a wooden
toothpick. Remove the toothpick after the solder has cooled and insert the new component lead.
d. Shape the new components leads and insert them in lead holes. Reheat with soldering iron and add a  small amount of new solder as required to insure a good electrical connection.
e. Clean excessive flux from the connection and adjoining area.
f. Wear clean, lint free cotton or rubber gloves when handling the circuit boards. Avoid touching the board or components with bare, fingers as skin oils can cause contamination and leakage paths.
5-47. The 3300A has three rotary type switches; RANGE. CHANNEL A, and CHANNEL B. When working on these switches, observe the following rules:
a. Use a low-heat (25 to 50 watts) small tip soldering iron, and a small diameter rosin core solder.
b. When replacing components, attempt to dress them as nearly to their original alignment as possible.
c. Clean excessive flux from the connection and adjoining area.

5-49. Replacement of factory selected components are identified in Table 5-3 and 5-6. Should it become  necessary to replace any of the capacitors in the feedback circuit of the Triangle Integrator. the
replacement capacitor (a good quality mylar film type) must be selected so that the approximate parallel  capacitance is as indicated in Table 5-3. If after capacitor replacement, the resultant frequency is not  correct, the necessary capacitor change can be determined by the following formula:
C correction = C feedback / [( Freq- desired Freq x 100)/desired Freq]

Example: X1K range inaccurate Freq of 9.8 KHz ( Range X1K dial 10)
C correction = [ 0.011 μF / (9.8 K – 10K) x 100/ 10K] = -0.01 μF / 8       = .00137 μF
5-51. This section contains procedures designed to assist in the isolation of a malfunction. These  procedures are based on a systematic analysis of the instrument in an effort to localize the problem.
These operations should be undertaken only after it has been established that the difficulty cannot be  eliminated by the adjustment and calibration procedures outlined in Paragraph 5-21.
5- 52. Conduct a visual check of the 3300A for possible burned or loose components, loose  connections, or any other obvious condition which might be a source of trouble. An investigation should  also be made to ensure that the trouble is not a result of conditions external to the 3300A.
5-53. The checks outlined in this section are not designed to measure all circuit parameters, rather only to  localize the malfunction. Therefore. it is highly probable that additional checks and measurements will be  required to completely isolate the faulty component.
Amplifier gain may also vary slightly between instruments; therefore, it is not necessary to precisely duplicate waveforms or voltages described.
5- 55. A malfunction isolating tool can be fabricated for isolating a malfunction to the 3300A or the plug-in unit.
5-57. In the event the -20 volt supply is inoperative, the oven heater should be disabled while  troubleshooting.
A point to disable the oven is to disconnect the smaller diameter red wire (26 gage) from XA12  Pin 1. The larger diameter red wire (22 gage) should be left connected to XA12 Pin 1. When the – 20 volt power supply is left out, the oven remains in full heat condition. Thermal fuse A11F1 will melt and open  if this heat condition exists for any extended period.
5-58. When troubleshooting Power Supply Assembly, remove the Output Amplifier Assemblies A15 and  A16.
5-59. TROUBLESHOOTING TREE.5-60. In the event of a malfunction which causes the oscillatory system to cease functioning; the output  of the triangle integrator emitter follower would most likely stabilize at either one voltages as indicated in  Figure 5-8. Approximately +25 volts in the upper limit of the positive slope, and –2,5 volts in the lower  limit of the negative slope out of the integrator circuit.
The condition of the other major circuits in the basic oscillating loop, the Voltage Comparator Bi-stable  Multivibrator and current source, can, in most instances, be used to isolate the malfunction to a given circuit as outlined in Figure 5-8. The term normal, as applied to the results obtained at the different points  tested, refers to the output at that point which would reverse the slope at the output of the triangle integrator and sustain oscillation. Abnormal refers to that output which would produce the same slope and  prevent oscillation.5-61. Figure 5-9 contains the normal voltages and waveforms which should be present at the points
indicated. Voltage levels are approximate and may vary from instrument to instrument due to differences in transistors. 5-62 . TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLES.
5-63. Table 5-4 gives additional information to assist in the isolation of a malfunction. Symptoms and  possible causes are listed. Table 5-5, Maintenance Correlation Table, lists various 3300A functions and gives the corresponding performance checks and adjustments».

Per consultare le altre due parti scrivere “3300A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede dello Sweep Plug-In 3305A scrivere “3305A”.
Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
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