Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. 4ª parte

Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. . Quarta parte.
 Nell’inventario D del 1956, in data 28 maggio 1963, al n° 3285 si legge: “Ing. Mario Vianello – Milano. Vectorlyzer. Dest. Elettronica. ₤ 710.000” .
Il prof. Luigi Silenzi  ricorda di averlo usato, ma alcuni di noi allievi dell’epoca non ne hanno memoria, forse perché è uno strumento per applicazioni veramente complesse che esulavano dai programmi di insegnamento.
Abbiamo trovato negli archivi della Sezione Elettronica il manuale delle istruzioni originali risalente al marzo del 1961; in fondo al manuale vi sono due pagine, datate rispettivamente 18/05/1962 e 31/05/1962, dei collaudi a cui è stato sottoposto questo strumento.
Invece di trascrivere una traduzione affrettata, ed anche per mantenere l’efficacia dell’originale, ne riportiamo alcune parti in inglese.


The simplest method for phase measurement at high frequencies is by using the knowledge of simple geometry. The procedure is as follows:
1.Turn “BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE” switch to “PROBE”. Zero set the meter with both probe terminals shorted to ground. In Fig. 10, apply E1 to A and terminate E1 at C apply E2 at B and terminate E2 at D. Then read E2-E1 on panel meter.
2.Remove E2 and terminate E2 source with the same terminating resistor as at D.
3.Ground B of Fig. 10, read E1.
4.Remove E1 from A and terminate E1 source with same terminating resistor as at B. Then ground A of  Fig. 10, read E2.
5.Draw a triangle with E1, E2, and E1-E2 as its three sides, as shown in Fig. 11.
6.Determine the phase angle between any two voltages by using the triangle of Fig. 11 with a protractor.
Phase angles below 20° can be measured accurately if the amplitude for one of the input voltages can be continuously adjustable without changing its phase. The procedure is as follows:
1.Connect the input voltage with fixed amplitude to one input terminal, and ground the other input terminal. Record the meter reading as E1.
2.Apply both input signals to the two input terminals of the probe for measuring the vector difference, E2-E1. Adjust the amplitude of E2 until the meter reading becomes minimum. Turn the “RANGE” switch to more sensitive position if needed.
3.The phase angle between E1 and E2 is equal to the meter reading divided by a factor 0.0174 E1. The operating principle can be explained with the use of the following equation.
(7)      |E0| = | E2| – |E1| = 2 |E1| sin (θ /2) for |E2| = |E1|

θ = 2 sin -1 (|E0| /2 |E1|) =|E0| / (0.0174 |E1|), when θ is small.

For 20 cps to 100 kc, the operating procedure is very similar to measuring vector difference of two voltages except set “E1 SHIFT 0°-180°” to “180°” position, then the vector difference amplifier will become vector sum amplifier, and the meter will read the vector sum of two input voltages.MEASURING COMPLEX COMPONENTS OF AN UNKNOWN VOLTAGE:
The vectorlyzer is a simple and convenient device for direct indication of the imaginary and real components of an unknown voltage in terms of a reference voltage. In Fig. 8, E1 and E2 are assumed to be the reference and unknown voltages respectively. Adjust the attenuator in E1 channel until the deflection of the output meter reaches a minimum. To represent this condition, a vector diagram is drawn in Fig. 12 for E1, E2 and E0.  Symbol E0 denotes the reading of the output meter. Since these three vectors form a right triangle, the diagram indicates: (1) E0 equals the imaginary component of E2, and (2) E1 equals the real component of E2. Thus the meter reads directly the imaginary component after the attenuator in E1 channel has been adjusted for minimum meter reading. Then remove E2, ground E2 IN binding post, the meter now indicates directly the real component of E2. In case that the phase angle between the unknown voltage and the reference voltage is greater than 90 degrees, but less than 270 degrees, the preceding method of measuring complex components still remains useful when E1 is shifted 180 degrees with respect to E2 by means of inserting the phase inverter. Without inserting the phase inverter it would be impossible to reduce the indication of the output meter to a value less than the absolute amplitude of E2.

The magnitude and phase angle of an unknown impedance may be measured by using the arrangement shown in Fig. 13.  ZX is the unknown impedance, R is a pure resistor with its value approximately equal to the magnitude of Zx, and E is an oscillator whose output is set within the scale of E1 and E2 range. The procedure is as follows:
1.Measure the phase angle between the applied voltage E and the unknown impedance Zx by means of the method described above.
2.Measure the amplitude of the applied voltage E.
3.Measure the amplitude of the potential drop across unknown impedance, EZx
4.Draw a triangle with phase angle θ measured in (1) and the voltages measured in (2) and (3). This triangle is shown in Fig. 14. Now a perpendicular can be drawn from the point A toward ER. The phase angle Φ can be measured on the triangle as the angle of the unknown impedance. The magnitude of the unknown impedance ZX = R(EZX/ER).MEASURING RATIO OF TWO VOLTAGES:
Since Type 202 Vectorlyzer consists of two step attenuators and two continuously variable attenuators having adjustable attenuation from 1 up to more than 300, the ratio of two different voltages, |E2| / |E1|, can be conveniently measured. The procedure is as follows:
1.Set “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” switch to “READ” position and set “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to a position slightly larger than the amplitude of E1.  Set “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” to ground.
2.Apply E1 to “E1 IN” binding post, then adjust “E1 ATTENUATION INC .” control until the meter reading equals “0.1” on the top (voltage) scale.
3.Remove E1 and connect E2 to “E1 IN” binding post. Now the meter indicates directly the ratio of Eto E1 . If the indication is too small to read accurately, turn “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to lower attenuation. In this case, the reading should be multiplied by the reduction in attenuation ratio. If the indication is over scale, turn “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to higher attenuation and divide the meter reading by the corresponding increase in attenuation.

In questa parte abbiamo riportato la seconda copertina del manuale e le due pagine dei  collaudi.
Abbiamo omesso volutamente la parte del manuale di istruzioni riguardante le note di manutenzione.
Le figure sono state opportunamente ingrandite.
Per consultare le altre schede scrivere “Vectorlyzer” su Cerca.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.



Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. 3ª parte

Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. . Terza parte.
 Nell’inventario D del 1956, in data 28 maggio 1963, al n° 3285 si legge: “Ing. Mario Vianello – Milano. Vectorlyzer. Dest. Elettronica. ₤ 710.000” .
Il prof. Luigi Silenzi  ricorda di averlo usato, ma alcuni di noi allievi dell’epoca non ne hanno memoria, forse perché è uno strumento per applicazioni veramente complesse che esulavano dai programmi di insegnamento.
Abbiamo trovato negli archivi della Sezione Elettronica il manuale delle istruzioni originali risalente al marzo del 1961.
Invece di trascrivere una traduzione affrettata, ed anche per mantenere l’efficacia dell’originale, ne riportiamo alcune parti in inglese.



1.Set “BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE” to “METER OFF” and both “ATTENUATION RATIO” switches to their respective  “∞”  ground positions.
 2.Plug line cord into 115-volt (230 volts available on special order), 50-60 cycle supply and turn power on.
3.Select attenuation ratio suitable for both input signals.
4.For meter zero, use mechanical control-screw on the meter with S6 at “METER OFF” when binding posts are used, or the “METER ZERO” control when the probe is used.
5.Set “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” switch to “READ” position for all measurements except when measuring small phase angles.

Since the two input terminals of a differential amplifier or rectifier can be connected to points which are both above a.c. ground potential,the vectorlyzer becomes a simple and convenient device for determining the vector difference of two voltages. For operation at high frequencies, 100 kc to 500  mc (Mc N.d.R.), connect the two unknown voltages to the two connectors at one side of the probe, and terminate their characteristic impedance at the other side, see Fig. 10.

The output meter will read directly the
vector difference of the two unknown voltages. For operation at low frequencies, 20 cps to 100 kc, the procedure is as follows:
2.Set both “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” and “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” switches to a position having equal attenuation and its full scale reading higher than the amplitude of the larger signal.
3.Set “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control to “READ” position, set “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” and “E2 ATTENUATION INC.” at “0.01” position.
4.Apply both signals simultaneously and take meter reading. The answer is the product of the reading on the panel meter multiplied by the ratio indicated on the dial of “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO”

For frequencies above 100 kc, it is recommended to apply the signal to one connector of the probe and ground the other connector of the same side. For frequencies below 100 kc, it is recommended to turn “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” switch to ground, set “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” at “0.01”, “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” at a position which provides sufficient attenuation in order not to overload the panel meter, and apply input, signal only to “E1 INPUT” binding post. The amplitude of input signal equals the ratio at “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” times the meter reading.


In Fig. 8, E1 and E2 are two unknown voltages, and the arrows indicate their polarities. If the amplitudes of E1 and E2 are made equal by adjusting the attenuators, the meter reading E0 may be expressed in terms of phase angle θ as
(1)   E0 = E2’ – E1’ =|E1| (cos θ + j sin θ – 1),
then we have
(2)   |E0|=|E1| √ [(cos θ -1)2 + sin2 θ]   = 2 |E1| sin (θ /2)
Thus the output meter may be calibrated to indicate phase angle in degrees between two voltages. For instance, when E1 is made equal to the half-scale reading (0.5 v) during adjustment of attenuators, the meter will read 60° at its center, 0° at zero and 180° at full scale. In case that the phase angle between two voltages under consideration  is nearly equal to 180°, the accuracy of reading can be greatly increased by introducing a phase shift of 180° in E1 channel. After inserting 180°, a second scale starting with 180° at its position is then established.

1.Turn “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” switch to “READ” position.
2.Apply E1 to “E1 IN” binding post, set “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to a position of which the full scale sensitivity is slightly larger than the amplitude of E1, and set “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” to ground.
Then adjust “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” control until the pointer of the meter reaches the mid-point of the voltage scale, namely the mark “0.5” at the top scale.
3.Set “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to ground, and set “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” to a position of which the full scale sensitivity is slightly larger than the amplitude of E1, apply E2 to “E2 IN” binding post, then adjust “E2 ATTENUATION INC.” control until the pointer of the meter again reaches the mid-point of the voltage scale.
4.Apply both E1 and E2 simultaneously, set both “ATTENUATION RATIO” switches for E1 and E2 to the positions used in (2) and (3) respectively, and read the phase angle directly on the “0-180°” scale, Add 180° to the meter reading when the selector for “E1 SHIFT 0-180°” is set at “180°” position.

Referring to Eq. (2), when the phase angle θ decreases, the magnitude of E0 may be held constant if the amplitudes of the input voltages increase accordingly. This in turn keeps the indication on the output meter unchanged, since it is energized by the E0, To be specific, let us assume that it is desired to increase the full scale phase sensitivity of the instrument from 180° to 2°. In order to achieve this goal, readjust both attenuators so that the magnitudes of E1 and E2 will be equal to 28.75 times the full scale reading instead of half scale. The value of 28.75 is obtained by substituting θ = 2° in the following equation.
(3) |E1| / |E0| = 1/ [2(sin θ/2)] = 28.75
Therefore, by applying signal amplitude E1 equals 28.75 times the voltage amplitude for a full scale deflection, the meter will read 2° at full scale. Since the sine function of a small phase angle is approximately proportional to the magnitude of the angle, we can use the voltage scale (the top scale of the meter) to read phase angle directly with an error less than  ¼ % from 0° to 4°, 3/4% at 10°. By using equation (3), we may write:
 (4) θ = 2 sin-1 (|E0| / 2|E1|) = 57.5 (|E0 |/ |E1|), when θ is small.
This equation indicates that the meter will have full scale sensitivity equal to 1° when E1 equals to 57.5 times its full scale voltage sensitivity; 2° when E1 equals to 28.75 times; 4° when E1 equals to 14.375 times; 10° when E1 equals to 5.75 times, etc. This method is possible only when both input voltages have sufficient amplitude. The minimum signal amplitude required for full scale deflection of lo is 0.46 v; 2° – 0.23 v; 4° – 0.115 v; 10°  – 0.046 v; 20° – 0.023 v; 180° – 0.004 v.

1.Turn “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control to 1° position at which the attenuation is 57.5 to 1. Minimum input signal is 0.46 v.
2.Set “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” to a position at which both the coarse and fine controls of  “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” can be set for full scale deflection in (3).
3.Apply E1 to “E1 IN” binding post, and connect “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” to ground, then adjust “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” control until the pointer of the meter reaches full scale, namely the mark “1” on the top (voltage) scale, see Note 1 below.
4.Apply both E1 and E2 simultaneously to the respective binding posts. Set “BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE” switch to “METER OFF” to avoid overloading of the panel meter when turning other controls. Turn “BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE” switch to “BINDING POST”, then adjust both “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” and “E2 ATTENUATION INC.” controls until meter reading becomes minimum when “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control at 1°, 4°, 20° and finally at “READ” position. Read the phase angle directly on the top (voltage) scale.
Note 1: The difference of attenuation between both “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” and “E2 ATTENUATION INC.” should be set no more than 50% apart in order to avoid excessive error. In other words, they should be set to yield about equal attenuation for both coarse and fine controls of E1 and E2 channels. In addition, if  “E1 ATTENUATION INC,” control has to be set for more attenuation than its mid-range, then “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” should be switched to the next higher position, Similar caution should be taken in E2 channel.

All procedures are identical to those just described, except set “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” switch to 2° position at which the attenuation is 28.75 to 1, and set “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” and “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” switches to a position of which full scale deflection can be obtained with the input signal divided by 28.75. Minimum signal amplitude is 0.23 v.

PROCEDURES FOR USING 0-4°, 0-10°, and 0-20° FULL SCALE:
All procedures mentioned above can be used with the exception that the setting of the positions of “E1 ATTENUATION RATIO” and “E2 ATTENUATION RATIO” has to be different because the attenuation is different at different positions of the “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control. The attenuation is 1/57.5 for 1°, 1/28.75 for 2°, 1/14.325 for 4°, 1/5.75 for 10°, and 1/2.857 for 20°.


1.Identical to those given in the procedure of “0-180°”.
2.Similar to (2) in the procedure of “0-180°”, except adjusting the “E1 ATTENUATION INC.” until the pointer of the meter reaches full scale, namely the mark “1” on the top scale.
3.Similar to (3) in the procedure of “0-180°”, except adjusting the “E2 ATTENUATION INC.” until the pointer of the meter reaches full scale, instead of half scale.
4.Apply both “E1 and E2” simultaneously, take meter reading as E0 and compute the phase angle by using the following equation:
(5) θ = 2 sin-1 (|E0| /2),
where E0 is the reading on the top
scale of the meter in step No. 4. In general, for full scale of A degrees, set both E1 and E2 equal to
.5 / (sin A/2) volts and determine the phase angle in degrees by using the following equation:
(6) θ = 2 sin -1 (|E0| /2 |E1|),
where E0 is the voltage reading
obtained in step No. 4. Add 180° to the meter reading when selector for “E1 SHIFT, 0° – 180°” +is set at “180°”.

Fig. 9 shows the basic circuit of the instrument when it is operated at very high frequencies. Coaxial probe is supplied with the instrument. Fig. 10 shows a circuit diagram of a coaxial probe, connectors A and B for signal sources E1 and E2 of which their terminating resistors or loads are connected respectively at connectors C and D. Duotriode T7 is arranged as a balanced cathode follower, Symbol M represents the output meter. Potentiometer R3 is used for zero adjustment. E1 and E2 are the two unknown voltages. Meter M reads E1 – E2 when both E1 and E2 are applied to the probe.

Per consultare le altre schede scrivere “Vectorlyzer” su Cerca.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.




Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. 2ª parte

Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. . Seconda parte.
 Nell’inventario D del 1956, in data 28 maggio 1963, al n° 3285 si legge: “Ing. Mario Vianello – Milano. Vectorlyzer. Dest. Elettronica. ₤ 710.000” .
Il prof. Luigi Silenzi  ricorda di averlo usato, ma alcuni di noi allievi dell’epoca non ne hanno memoria, forse perché è uno strumento per applicazioni veramente complesse che esulavano dai programmi di insegnamento.
Abbiamo trovato negli archivi della Sezione Elettronica il manuale delle istruzioni originali risalente al marzo del 1961.
Invece di trascrivere una traduzione affrettata, ed anche per mantenere l’efficacia dell’originale, ne riportiamo alcune parti in inglese.




Type 202 Vectorlyzer is essentially a combination of the following elements: Two step attenuators, two continuously adjustable attenuators, a wide-band phase inverter, a degenerative vector difference amplifier, a bridge rectifier, a balanced cathode follower, a high frequency probe, and a regulated power supply, These elements, except the regulated power supply, are arranged as shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1.

The differential amplifier has two stages, see Fig. 2.
The “
AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control consists of two cathode followers and one 2-pole, 6-position switch. The switch is connected at the cathode circuits of the cathode followers for changing the amount of voltages applied to the differential amplifier. The high frequency probe consists of a differential rectifier, which is a special type of peak rectifier capable of producing a direct current potential at its output terminals proportional to the vector difference between the two voltages applied to its input terminals, see Fig. 3.
A complete schematic diagram of Type 202 Vectorlyzer, except its regulated power supply, is shown in Fig. 4. The second half of V2 is used as a phase inverter, V1 and V3 are connected as cathode followers for both variable attenuators. The first halves of V2 and V4 are used in the “AMPLITUDE SELECTOR” control for measuring small phase angle. D1 to D4 are employed as bridge rectifier. Twin-triode V7 is arranged as a balanced cathode follower and is used to excite the panel output meter, Fig. 5 shows the regulated power supply for this instrument.

1.“POWER ON”, toggle switch, S9 in Fig. 5 – Used to turn on or to turn off the power.
2.“E1 IN” binding post, provides for connection of an input signal to E1 channel.
3.“E1 ATTENUATION RATIO, E1 IN/Meter Reading”, 2-pole, 6-position switch, S1 in Fig. 4, select the attenuation ratio for input signal at “E1 IN” binding post to meter reading.
4.“E1 ATTENUATION INC.”, 3k – 300 ohm coaxial potentiometers, R1 and R1a in Fig. 4. – This acts as a continuous adjustment of the signal amplitude in E1 channel with 3k pot as coarse control and 300 ohm pot as fine control.
5.“E1 SHIFT”, 0-180°, 2-pole, 2-position switch, S4 in Fig. 4. – Introduce a phase shift of 180° at the 180° position by inserting a phase inverter stage to V2, introducing no phase shift at 0° position in which V2 is by-passed.
6.“AMPLITUDE SELECTOR”, 2-pole, 6-position switch, S4 in Fig. 4. – This control is used for measuring small phase angles. First set to the desired full scale phase sensitivity position, adjust amplitudes of E1 (or E2) to full scale, then adjust E2 (or E1) for minimum meter deflection, Phase angle can now be read directly on the first scale at “READ” position. This control should always be set at “READ” position for all other measurements, otherwise the sensitivity of the instrument is low.
7.“METER ZERO”, 100k potentiometer, R3 in Fig. 4. – This control is used to zero the output meter only when the probe is being used. No electrical zeroing is needed for binding post input.
8.“E2 ATTENUATION INC.”, 3k – 300 ohm coaxial potentiometers, R2 and R2a in Fig. 4. This serves as continuous adjustment of the signal amplitude in E2 channel with 3k pot as coarse adjustment, 300 ohm pot as fine adjustment.
9.“BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE”, 2-pole, 3-position switch, S6 in Fig. 4. – Serves (1) to connect the panel meter to the output of the bridge rectifier D1 – D4 when the input signals are applied to binding post, (2) to short the meter terminal in order not to damage the panel meter when the input signals are being connected or disconnected (3) to connect the panel meter to the output of the balanced cathode follower when input signals are applied to probe.
10.“E2 ATTENUATION RATIO, E2 IN/Meter Reading”, 2-pole, 6-position switch S3 in Fig. 4. Select the attenuation ratio for input signal at “E2 IN” binding post to meter reading.
11.“E2 IN”, binding post, – provides for connection of an input signal to E2 channel.
12.“PROBE RANGE”, 1-pole, 3-position switch, S5 in Fig. 4. – Select sensitivity of the panel meter when the probe is used for 0.4,  2 and 4 volts rms full scale.
13.“ATTENUATOR PROBE” – Two attenuator probes having 40 db attenuation and input capacitance of 4 μμF are supplied with the unit in order to extend all voltage ranges by 100 times.

1.Ground: In order to avoid undesirable pickup, the instrument must always be grounded together with all input sources. One ground point for one device or one signal source is recommended for avoiding pickup loop.
2.“BINDING POST, METER OFF, PROBE”, should be set at “METER OFF” when not in use to prevent excessive damage of panel meters.

Nota: La data riportata nello schema ( Fig. 4) è NOV. 1960.

Per consultare le altre schede scrivere “Vectorlyzer” su Cerca.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.



Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. 1ª parte

Vectorlyzer Type 202 AD-YU Electronics Lab. Inc. Passaic, N. J. . Prima parte.
 Nell’inventario D del 1956, in data 28 maggio 1963, al n° 3285 si legge: “Ing. Mario Vianello – Milano. Vectorlyzer. Dest. Elettronica. ₤ 710.000” .
Il prof. Luigi Silenzi  ricorda di averlo usato, ma alcuni di noi allievi dell’epoca non ne hanno memoria, forse perché è uno strumento per applicazioni veramente complesse che esulavano dai programmi di insegnamento.
Abbiamo trovato negli archivi della Sezione Elettronica il manuale delle istruzioni originali risalente al marzo del 1961; in fondo al manuale vi sono due pagine, datate rispettivamente 18/05/1962 e 31/05/1962, dei collaudi a cui è stato sottoposto questo strumento. Dette pagine sono nella quarta parte.
Invece di trascrivere una traduzione affrettata, ed anche per mantenere l’efficacia dell’originale, ne riportiamo alcune parti in inglese.


This instrument makes possible for the first time a number of measurements which were formerly impossible, or at best very difficult to accomplish by other means. For example, it can be used to measure very small phase angles (such as a fraction of 1°) with a maximum error of less than 0.02° or 2% when using the range of 1° full scale. The operating principle of this instrument  is based on measuring vector difference of two input voltages, which permits unusual speed and accuracy for measuring vector relations of alternating voltages. Type 202 is essentially a combination of the following elements: Two step attenuators, two continuously adjustable attenuators, a wide-band phase inverter, an amplitude selector, a degenerative vector difference amplifier, a bridge rectifier, a balanced cathode follower, a high frequency probe, and a regulated power supply. These elements, except the regulated power supply, are arranged as shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1.

The high frequency probe consists of a differential rectifier of which the natural resonant frequency is made very high (above 1000 mc). The differential rectifier is a special type of peak rectifier circuit which is capable
of producing a direct current potential at its output terminals proportional to the vector difference between the two voltages applied to Its Input terminals. Let E1 and E2; be the two input signals and θ be their phase difference. When their amplitudes are made equal to | E’1 | and  | E’2 |    respectively by adjusting the built-in attenuators, the meter reading E0 may be expressed in terms of phase angle θ as(1) E0 = E’2 – E’1 =   | E’1 |  (cos θ + j sin θ — 1)
 When   | E’1 |   =  | E’2 |
Then we have
(2)   | E0 |   =  | E’1 |   (cos θ —1)2  +  sin2 θ = | E’1 |  sin (θ /2)
By arranging terms
(3) | E’1 | / | E0 |  = 1/ [2 (sin θ/2)]
Thus the output meter may be calibrated to indicate phase angle in degrees between two voltages. For instance, when | E’1 |  is made equal to the half-scale reading during adjustment of attenuators, the meter will read 60 degrees at its center, 0 degree at zero and 180 degrees at full scale. By substituting θ = 2° in Equation (3), we may find | E’1 | / | E0 |  = 28.65
 Therefore, by applying signal amplitude | E’1 |  equals 28.65 times the voltage amplitude for full scale deflection, the meter will read 2° at full scale.


The instrument provides full scale deflection of 1°, 2°, 4°, 10′ and 20°. The scale of these phase ranges is 41/2 inches long and has 100 divisions total, top scale in Fig. 2. Phase deflection as small as 0.005° (18 seconds) will produce movement of half division on the 1° range.
MEASURING PHASE ERROR BETWEEN AN UNKNOWN COMPONENT AND A STANDARD COMPONENT. Deviation as small as 0.005° can be detected by using the 1° phase range of the instrument. Phase error over a wide frequency range can easily be measured simply by changing the signal frequency. since the instrument is a wide-band device.

MEASURING VOLTAGE ACROSS TWO POINTS WHICH ARE BOTH ABOVE GROUND POTENTIAL. Vector difference of two alternating voltages can be read directly on the panel meter, since the instrument is basically a vector difference voltmeter. A 180° phase inverter is provided in one channel in order to convert the instrument into a vector sum voltmeter.

MEASURING VECTOR RELATIONS UP TO 500 MEGACYCLES. An r.f. probe is provided for reading vector difference of two voltages up to 500 mc directly on the panel meter. When the amplitudes of two input signals and their vector difference are known, phase angle as well as vector sum can be easily determined.


0-1, 0-2, 0-4, 0-10, 0-20 and 0-180 degrees. A panel switch is provided for inserting 180-degree phase shift to convert above ranges into 180-181, 180-182, 180-184, 180-190, 180-200, and 180-360 degrees respectively.

Voltage Measurement — The accuracy of scale tracking (reading on any point of the scale) is within ±1.5% of full scale up to 40 kc, ±2% up to 100 kc. The full scale reading can be set exactly equal to the voltage standard with negligible error by adjusting the continuously variable attenuator.
Phase Measurement—The maximum error is less than ±0.02° or ±2% of the full scale of the phase range used for frequency up to 20 kc with ratio of the input signals equal to 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100; for other ratios of input signals, the maximum error is less than ±0.06° or ±2% up to 20 kc. Error increases slowly up to ±0.03° at 50 kc for signal ratios of 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100; for other ratios, the maximum error is less than ±0.8° or ±2% up to 40 kc.


20 μμf shunted by 1 megohm at binding post terminals; 5 μμf shunted by 1 megaohm at the input terminal of the 40 db attenuator probe.

The maximum voltage sensitivity for full scale deflection is 0.007 volt rms or better. With variable attenuator at calibrated position (marked “.01 v rms”), direct reading on panel meter in volts rms full scale is 0.01 at “Ratio 1” position. Step attenuator with ratios of 3, 10, 30 and 100 gives 4 additional ranges, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 and 1 volt full scale. With plug-in probe attenuator (100 to 1 attenuation), it gives 5 additional ranges, 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100 volts full scale.

For phase range of 1° full scale, the minimum amplitude for both input signals is required to be 0.4 v rms; for 2° full scale, 0.2 v rms is required; 4°-0.1 v rms; 10°-0.04 v rms; 20°-0.02 v rms; 180°-0.004 v rms.

Signal amplitude up to 100 volts can be applied to the instrument for phase measurement by means of the continuously adjustable attenuators, step attenuators, and plug-in probe attenuators having 100 to 1 ratio supplied with the instrument.

The stability of phase reading depends primarily on the stability of input signalamplitudes. Since the instrument is based on measuring vector difference of two input signals, phase reading will be stable when both input signals have constant amplitudes, otherwise will vary proportionately with signal amplitudes.

For accurate measurement of phase angle between 0 to 360°, an expanded scale may be provided on request at a moderate extra charge. For example, scales from 90° to 91°(89°), 90° to 92°(88°), 90° to 94°(86°) with accuracy of ±0.02° may be obtained for approximately 3 to 1 frequency range with frequency center
specified on order.

Two identical continuously adjustable attenuators are provided with one in each channel. The attenuation ratio is approximately 4 to 1. Two identical step attenuators are also provided, one in each channel, having steps of 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100.
The accuracy of attenuation can be made almost exact by adjusting the continuously variable attenuator; otherwise, the accuracy of attenuation is ±3%. in addition, two plug-in-probe attenuators having 100 to 1 ratios ±3% are provided for extending the attenuation range of the step attenuator.

Harmonics and noise will affect the accuracy of phase measurement unless they are identical for both signals. Otherwise, a matched pair of Ad-Yu A103 bandpass filters should be used, with one in each channel. For voltage measurement, the instrument measures the rms value of both the fundamental component as well as harmonics and noise.


±3% below 100 mc [Mc N.d.R.], increasing slowly up to ±5% at 500 mc [Mc N.d.R.] for both voltage and phase measurements.

100 kc to 500 megacycles.

2.5 μμf shunted by 100,000 ohms; coaxial arrangement with BNC connectors for matching low impedance cable and terminating resistors, or jack input with 2.5 μμf and 100 k can be supplied on request.

0.4, 2 and 4 volts rms full scale.

0.2V for 0-180°; higher voltage required for more sensitive range.

Direct reading in degree only with equal input signals; with triangle method calculator, or curves otherwise.

60 watts at 115 volts rms ±10% 50/60 cycles (230 volts available on request).

Meter indication changes 0.1% or less for 10% variation of line voltage.

Panel—l9″ × 10½” with mounting slots for all standard racks. Chassis — 17” × 8¼” × 4″ Cabinet 12″ × 10″× 20½”; 16 gauge steel light gray wrinkle finish, round corners

$ 588.00 F.0.B. Passaic, N. J. Delivery normally 1-2 weeks.
March 1961 Made in U.S.A.»

Oltre alle figure 1 e 2 citate nel testo del manuale riportiamo le figure 3 e 4 degli accessori e di seguito le figure da 5 a 14 delle applicazioni suggerite, opportunamente ingrandite.
Per consultare le altre schede scrivere “Vectorlyzer” su Cerca.
 Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN per il 3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120 5ª parte

3305A SWEEP PLUG-IN  per il  3300A FUNCTION GENERATOR  della HEWLETT PACKARD GMBH. Matr. N° G 348-00120. Quinta parte.
Nell’inventario per reparto N° 7 di Elettronica, in data febbraio 1968, al n° D 4236 si legge: “A FUNCTION GENERATOR S. 3300 A – HP” ; e la n° D 4236 si legge: “A AUXILIARY PLUG-IN 3301 – HP”, ma forse si tratta del mod. 3305!

 È facile trovare le istruzioni in internet agli indirizzi elencati sotto:
Quel che segue è tratto dalle istruzioni della H-P conservate presso la Sezione Elettronica.
Il testo prosegue dalla quarta parte.
7-2. This section contains the circuit diagrams necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Model 3305A Sweep Plug-in. Included are a functional block diagram, schematic diagrams, component location diagrams, and an adjustment point location diagram.
7-4. The functional block diagram shows the relationship between the assemblies of the instrument. Signal flow between the Plug-in and the main frame is also shown on the functional block diagram.
7-6. The circuits contained within each assembly are shown in the schematic diagrams. These diagrams are used to develop an understanding of the detailed theory of operation of each assembly and as an aid in isolating troubles within an assembly.
7-8. The component location diagrams show the physical location of each part mounted on an assembly. Each part is identified by a reference designator.
7-10. The waveform shown on the Function Block Diagram are critical and should be observed to within the accuracy of the oscilloscope being used. The waveforms at A4TP1, A5TP4, A6TP1 and A7TPI are observed with a full four decades of sweep set by the START and STOP controls. A procedure for checking out the IC’s is outlined in Section V, Paragraph 5-45.
7-12. The physical locations of all internal adjustment and test points within the 3305A Plug-in are shown in Figure 7-l.»Per consultare le altre  schede scrivere “ 3305A” su Cerca. Per consultare le schede del generatore di funzioni 3300A scrivere “3300A”.
Foto di Claudio Profumieri, elaborazioni e ricerche di Fabio Panfili.
Per ingrandire le immagini cliccare su di esse col tasto destro del mouse e scegliere tra le opzioni.